Thursday, January 15, 2009

Still Looking but not found

Well me being the average musician, getting a gig is almost next to impossible, I mean a worthy gig that pays. Anyways, most of the time I am in the perplexed state if I can really get something I really want as gear for my musical inventory.
Now I am from the north east, and getting quality musical instruments is a thing only the rich can afford. Well the scene is not that vastly different here in NAMMA BENGALURU as well. Some of the decent musical shops here take you for a ride. They charge exuberant rates for something you definitely dont want to give. But you have to. Well take for example, a pack of 6 strings from D'addario(nickel) costs a whopping 350-400 bucks in Bangalore. Okay, i guess maybe its same in rest of India. But do you think its fair??? In US it costs as little as 50 bucks. Beat that.
I am very pissed at the Indian Government and their motto of SWARAJ. Balls. Developing something indigenously is good but what about some products you cant afford to make at home?? We can always import but ....put a stamp of 20-33% of excise duty on it. I seriously think its a huge asking margin. Why in a country like ours, we have the right to enjoy freedom?? A guess its just a relative word.
Anyways back to the topic. Because of these reasons, Me, as a poor but eager musician have no option but to play to the tunes of the unworthy shop keepers in Bangalore. If you have friends or relatives abroad then you can afford all the luxuries you want, but what about the rest like me ??
We need good equipments. And for that we need cash. Cant bug mm n dad all the time can we? And We need good quality stuffs and not the China made craps.
I just hope oneday we can just afford to have the same equipments as our brothers in other DEVELOPED nations are having.